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Map My Tracks blog

Introducing Map My Tracks Close Friends

Share your adventures with your nearest and dearest.

Outdoor adventures bring people together, and here at Map My Tracks, sharing those experiences with your loved ones should be seamless and enjoyable. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce our latest feature: Close Friends. With Close Friends, you can now effortlessly share your outdoor adventures privately with a select group of individuals, ensuring that those nearest and dearest can join in on the excitement and stay connected with your outdoor activities like never before.

How it works: Map My Tracks’ Close Friends feature revolutionizes how you share your outdoor adventures with your inner circle. Let’s take a closer look at how it works:

Creating your Close Friends list:  To begin, you can curate a personalized list of Close Friends within the Map My Tracks website. Go to the Settings page, then select the Close Friends tab. From there, you can add friends, family members, or anyone you want to share your adventures with. You have complete control over who can access your activities, ensuring that only the most trusted individuals can view your private activities.

Sharing activities in real-time: Once your Close Friends list is established, you can share your private activities. As you embark on an adventure, Map My Tracks allows you to seamlessly update your progress, including your location, distance travelled, and photos.

Privacy and security: Map My Tracks prioritizes your privacy and ensures the utmost security for your Close Friends feature. You have complete control over who can access your private activities; only those designated explicitly on your Close Friends list can view your private activities. Map My Tracks’ robust security measures safeguard your data, providing a worry-free experience.

Map My Tracks’ Close Friends feature is a game-changer for those that want to share their experiences privately with their loved ones. Whether hiking, cycling, running, or any other outdoor pursuit, you can now effortlessly keep your Close Friends updated on your progress privately and engage them through every twist and turn.

So go and invite your closest companions to join you on your next adventure through Map My Tracks’ Close Friends feature.

Peak performance, VO2max, MAP stats

For those of you that like to do some number crunching on your power stats then the recent update to the Map My Tracks app might interest you. We’ve introduced a summary of your peak power over different time intervals giving you an at-a-glance view of your stats.

In amongst the stats are a few things that get automatically detected from your ride date. FTP, FTHR, VO2max and MAP are all estimated when certain criteria are met. As these are normally best tested in a lab the values are only relevant when the app detects that you have performed at a steady and high state.

This is only useful if you ride with a power meter. If that’s you then check out the latest version of the app in the App Store and Google Play.

Coping with nausea during ultra-distance events and races

Participating in ultra-distance events, such as ultramarathons, triathlons, or long-distance cycling races, can be a challenging and rewarding experience.

However, the physical demands of these events can also lead to nausea, which can be a frustrating and uncomfortable symptom to deal with. We’ll explore some strategies for coping with nausea during ultra-distance events.

Dehydration is a common cause of nausea, so it is essential to drink enough fluids during the event. Aim to drink water or a sports drink every 15-20 minutes to maintain hydration levels. Avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks, as they can exacerbate nausea.

Consuming food during an ultra-distance event is crucial to maintain energy levels, but it can also cause nausea. Avoid consuming high-fat or high-fiber foods before or during the event, as they can be hard to digest. Instead, opt for easily digestible carbohydrates such as gels, chews, or sports drinks.

Overexerting oneself during an ultra-distance event can cause nausea, especially when the body is not used to the intensity of the activity. Try to maintain a steady pace throughout the event, and avoid sudden bursts of activity that can lead to nausea.

Breathing Techniques
Nausea can also be a symptom of anxiety or stress. Practicing breathing techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help reduce stress levels and alleviate nausea.

For extreme cases of nausea, over-the-counter medications such as antacids or anti-nausea medications may be necessary. However, it is essential to consult with a medical professional before taking any medication during an ultra-distance event.

Mental Techniques
Focusing on positive thoughts and visualization can also help reduce nausea. Remind yourself of why you are participating in the event and focus on the positive aspects of the experience.

Nausea can be a common symptom during ultra-distance events, but there are various ways to cope with it. By maintaining hydration levels, consuming easily digestible carbohydrates, pacing oneself, practicing breathing techniques, and utilizing mental techniques, participants can reduce the impact of nausea on their performance and enjoy the experience and have fun.

An app for every club, powered by Map My Tracks

Map My Tracks has launched a Clubs service which provides sports clubs with a dedicated app of their own that features club activity, membership management and group messaging. Map My Tracks has added to its range of features to provide sports clubs with an app of their own that takes just a few minutes to set up.


Once set up, it results in a web app, that can be added to your phone’s home screen, that functions just like a native app downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. With a club app being able to be set up, and branded, in minutes it means that just about every sports club can provide its members with a centralized source for rides, routes, messaging and membership management.

The Map My Tracks Clubs app is based on years of work with its local club, Canterbury Bicycle Club. It brings together all the features that have proved invaluable to them with many being based on their experience during Covid lock down periods. During each lock down period the app became the club’s preferred way to organise group rides and activity and limit capacity. It also, acted as a way to keep everyone up-to-date with club activity and news.

Since our launch in 2007, Map My Tracks has pioneered the use of mobile phones to record and live stream performance telemetry for sports like cycling and running. The club app builds on this experience and includes a live map allowing club members to see where everyone else might be when out on club rides. Great for making sure everyone stays safe and doesn’t get lost.

“It made sense to bring together all the experience we’ve gained from the work done with one of our local club and make it available to all clubs,” said Nick Tatt of Map My Tracks. “For us, this initial release is just the start. We have grand plans to provide every club in the country with an app of its own, putting behind us all the days of having to check three or four different platforms just to find out what is happening on the weekend club ride.” 

Map My Tracks Clubs is free to use for clubs up to 30 members. For clubs with more than 30 members there is a £12 monthly subscription. Club apps can be branded to suit your club colours and includes permission control over how the app is used by club members.

Welcome to Collections

We're thrilled to be able to roll out a new feature that has long been asked for. PLUS members can now create Collections of activities.

You might want to create a collection from a recent hike over a few days or from rides completed over several days. In fact, collections are so versatile that they can be any group of activities with each collection topped and tailed with cover images and descriptions.

Collections can remain private or if you prefer to share your collection with other Map My Tracks users then you can make it public for everyone to see. Either way, you are in control.

Collections are made by first tagging your activities. Use the same tag across all the activities you wish to include in the collection, then from your tag list page you can convert the tag into a collection.

Tags can be added to activities either on the website or through the app. For now, collections are only available on the website but they will be soon be also in the app.

As ever, let us know what you think. If you need any guidance on using Collections then get in touch with us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

We can’t wait to see how you start using Collections. Get started here →

West Highland Way Collection

We’ve kicked things off with a few Collections to browse:

Introducing: Social sharing cards

In the upcoming release of the Map My Tracks app we've made is super simple to start sharing social cards of your activities to your favourite socials media networks.

Social cards feature your photo of choice, or your activity map, together with a summary of the distance, time and elevation. The social cards are a handy way to show off you latest hike or bike ride with friends.

Map My Tracks social card

Social cards are just the latest way to share your activities. Activity Moment videos also let you showcase your activities and result in an animated video ready to share on social networks. Text links can also be shared that includes a summary of all the activity details.

We can’t wait to see how everyone uses this on social networks. Tag posts using #mapmytracks so we can follow your progress.

Schedule maintenance - Wednesday April 7, 2021

Map My Tracks will be temporarily unavailable from 08:30 (BST) on April 7 while we undertake some essential maintenance. The service will return within a few hours.

Live tracking will not be available while the service is offline. If you have any questions please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Inappropriate comments on activities

Over the Easter weekend Map My Tracks was under attack from spammers who were posting inappropriate comments on user activities. Our monitoring systems alerted us to this activity but not before many comments had been posted on activities.

For this I am sorry. I appreciate that some of the users that the spammers have targeted have received many, many emails as a result of the comments being posted. I know how annoying this is but rest assured that no account credentials were compromised and no accounts were breached. The exploit that the spammers took advantage of chose random user IDs to spoof comments on behalf of other users.

We have already taken steps to halt this action and are in the process of adapting how comments are posted in future to combat this issue. One side effect of how the emails were sent means that some users will still be receiving emails over the coming days. These emails were actually sent several days ago but due to how mail servers work they were held back and only now being delivered. Unfortunately, we have no way of recalling these emails as they have already left our system. It goes without saying but please ignore these emails and do not click on any links within them.

Should you wish to manage what emails you receive from Map My Tracks in future then please update your preferences.

We will update this post with further details over the coming 24 hours. Should anyone be concerned, or have questions, please contact us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) where we can assist you further.

Again, I apologize for the hassle, and concern, this has no doubt caused.

Nick Tatt
Founder of Map My Tracks

Showcase your best photo with cover slides

New to the app, and website, is the option to set your favourite photo as the cover image on your activity.

With the cover slide option you can now make the first photo that everyone sees to be one of your choice. When no cover slide it set the photos will be presented in the order in which they were taken.

Simple, neat and very handy to show off your best photo.

Embark on a virtual event with your friends and family or just go solo

Always wanted to hike the length of the Camino de Santiago or ride across America or the length of Britain? Now with Map My Tracks virtual events you can remotely complete routes by using your everyday workouts.

MMT virtual events

Virtual events on Map My Tracks make every mile count and are a great way to embark on long distance challenges remotely. A virtual event takes your activities and uses each mile covered to propel you along a virtual route. Along the way you can pass point of interests, explore the terrain and compete against others to get to the finish line first.

Why not challenge your friends and family to walk the West Highland Way over the next two weeks or ride the Scottish North Coast 500 over the weekend. Want a solo adventure? Create your own virtual event to keep yourself motivated.

As with all events it’s simple to get started. Create your event then upload, or draw, your route. After that, invite the participants to join the event. Once your event has started all activities uploaded by participants will contribute to their distance along the virtual route.

Participants can use the Map My Tracks app to track live and have their progress updated in real-time or record their activity with compatible devices and upload their activities after they have finished each workout. Either way, the distance covered goes towards completing the virtual event.

Map My Tracks virtual events can be set up using the Event Planner and be viewed on the Map My Tracks app for iOS and Android as well as within Map My Tracks Events on the website.

Get started and set up your first virtual event. It’s free.

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